Slope stabilization

– Boss of technical assistance on construction works. Slope stabilization. North of Spain.

– Design of slope stabilization studio. North of Spain.

–  Design of slope stabilization studio. North of Spain.

–  Technical assistance on construction works of «SLOPE STABILIZATION. GEOTECHNICAL STABILIZATION PROJECT».

Slope stabilization

–  Excavation study for construction of “Project for reinforced both foundation and structure”.

– Design of slope stabilization studio for Arroyo village accces.

– Design of slope stabilization studio for the CA-281 road. k.p. 14+800. Cantabria Government. North of Spain.
– Design of slope stabilization studio for the CA-261 road. k.p. 16+150. Cantabria Government. North of Spain.

– Design of slope stabilization studio for the CA-262 road. k.p. 10+600. Cantabria Government. North of Spain.


– Geotechnical  works.  Slope stabilization project of “Punta Lucero” road.

Geotechnical  Project

– Slope stabilization project in the BI-636 road, K.P. 30+400 I and K.P. 31+100 I.

Geotechnical Project.

– Slope stabilization project in the BI-635 road, K.P. 27+390 I.

Geotechnical Project.

– Emergency geotechnical Project  in the BI-625 road, K.P. 377+800. Design of the slope stabilization. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Emergency geotechnical Project in the BI-3101 road, in Bermeo. Design of the slope stabilization. North of Spain.

– Reinforced design of cemetery wall and slope stabilization.

Geotechnical Project.

– Emergency geotechnical Project in the BI-637 road, K.P. 15+500 and 15+800. Design of the slope stabilization.

Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.


– Geotechnical Project in the BI-637 road.  k.p 18+000 L and k.p 18+600 L. Design of the slope stabilization. North of  Spain. Client: “Diputación Foral de Bizkaia”. Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the N-644 road.  k.p 130+000 L. Design of the slope stabilization. North of  Spain.

Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the N-240 road.  k.p 29+000. Zeanuri town hall. Design of the slope stabilization. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project+ Execution of civil Works.

– Project over the village access for the BI-3438 road in “Mendetxa”, north of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.


– Geotechnical Project in the N-634 road.  k.p 108+100 R. Design of the slope stabilization. North of  Spain.

Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the A-8 highway.  k.p 134+000 R. Design of the slope stabilization. North of  Spain.

Department of Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the A-8 highway.  k.p 119+850 L. Design of the slope stabilization. North of  Spain.

Department of Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in N-637 road, k.p 19+000 R, k.p 19+700 R and k.p 21+000 R. Design of the slope stabilization. North of  Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical study for the analysis of the slope stabilization for the “Abeletxe” parking. Sutudy of the stabilization for the wall of “Ermua” burial ground.

– Design of guide for piles driven on slope stabilization. North of  Spain. Client: “Diputación Foral de Bizkaia” Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the N-637 road.  k.p 13+700 L. Design of the slope stabilization. North of  Spain.

Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in N-637 road. Design of the slope stabilization. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in N-634 road. From  k.p 99+523 to 99+634. Design of the slope stabilization. Galdakano (Bizkaia).  North of  Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in N-240 road. k.p 29+000. Design of the slope stabilization. Zeanuri (Bizkaia). North of  Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the BI-633  road. k.p 55+620. Design of the slope stabilization for the platform of the road. Zeanuri (Bizkaia). North of  Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Emergency geotechnical Project in the A-8 highway (“Gallarta” highway link ).

Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the BI-2704 road. k.p 12+950 and BI-2121 road. k.p 27+200 and 28+400. Design of the slope stabilization for the platform of the road and new design for the layout of the road.

Roadways + Geotechnical Project.

– Design of the slope stabilization for road platforms during heavy rains in the north of spain. BI-633 38+850 (Trabakua Arqueta), BI-636 33+700 (Balmaseda Muro escollera inclinado), BI-737 P.K. 9+100 (Avanzada), BI-2224 p.k.49+700 (Bolibar),BI-3101 29+550 (Bakio), BI-3231 (Zugastieta), BI-3755 p.k.13+700

(Arboleda), BI-4403 (larruskain), N634-(Areitio), N-636 37+250 (Kanpazar), N-636 43+850 (elorrio).

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the BI-2121 road. North of Spain “Mungia- Muxika”.

Geotechnical Project.

– Boss of technical assistance on construction works of slope stabilization in the A-8 highway. K.p. 130+500 R.

Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project+ Execution of civil works.

– Geotechnical Project in the BI-2704 road k.p.12+950. North of Spain.

Department of  Civil Works and Transport.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the A-8 highway k.p.134+600 R. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the A-8 highway k.p.134+400 R. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the A-8 highway k.p.131+400 R. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– First study of the slope stabilization in the BI-2704 road k.p.12+900. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Emergency Geotechnical designs of slope stabilization in the BI-625, between k.p.383+350 and k.p.386+500. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the A-8 highway k.p.130+500 R. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project for slope stabilization in the BI-3513 road. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project for slope stabilization in the BI-3234 road. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project for slope stabilization in the N-634 road. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project for slope stabilization in the BI-3513 road. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Design of the rock wall cross section. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Geotechnical Project in the A-8 highway k.p.130+500 R. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.

– Study of the culvert breakdown under the layout of the BI-4522 road. Study of drain pipes of 800 mm for diameter.

Geotechnical Project.+ Concrete structures.

– Geotechnical Project in the BI-3234 road k.p.48+450. North of Spain.

Geotechnical Project.